Just in case you needed some…

Poppy loooooving! 🐾

here’s some poppy loving to anypawdy who may need some today :) sending over lots of poppy huggies, kisses and licks your way! and even if you’re very very far away, these poppy licks will find their way to you and land on your cheeks – i PAW-MISE! i hope you’ll be reminded at this moment that you are loved, have truckloads of strength and a bright light within your heart that will shine through any boo-boos that may come your way! i sincerely believe that every day is an exciting journey to experience new perspectives, discover new joys and embrace lessons that life has to teach us :) as long as we keep holding on to hope, keep our chin up (like me), back straight (like how i am in this photo), heart opened (me everyday!), i pawsomely believe the tides will turn and boom – before you know it, things are getting better! 🐾

here’s my little note of love to all my furiends, i hope you are well and surrounded by love always….!

with lots of love, huggies and kisses,

little popcorn 🐾

One Comment on “Just in case you needed some…”

  1. Mom and I got the love, P. It landed right on our cheeks, just like you planned. xoxo back at ya.

    Love and licks,

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